When it comes to branding yourself on Instagram, here are four key tips to keep in mind:
Establish Your Brand Identity Your brand’s identity is the foundation upon which you’ll build. It’s your why and will help you shape your voice.
– What’s your purpose? – Who is your target audience? – Why should Instagram users follow you? Ask yourself these questions.
– Your Profile picture should describe your purpose – Include contact info like your email or phone number – Incorporate a strong CTA
Optimize Your Instagram Bio Your Instagram bio is your business card, portfolio, and website. – Have a username that is easy to say, spell, and remember – Include a keyword in your Name Field
Determine the Content Pillars Content Pillars are 3-5 topics you will discuss and create content for on a regular basis.
Aesthetically Pleasing Profile Being visually consistent with your design is important. You should have your brand colors; a color palette.
Let us help you brand yourself in the best possible ways. Get in touch with us today!