by Rahul Singla | Jan 10, 2018 | .Net, Coding, Logging |
I was recently working on a bulk processor application which was using log4net for its logging needs (specifically the RollingFileAppender). There were multiple jobs executing in independent threads each having its own Logger instance. We wanted the...
by Rahul Singla | Jan 8, 2018 | .Net, Coding, SharePoint |
I was recently working on a SharePoint project and needed to figure out if an access control list (ACL) is replicated for a SharePoint object in database which is set to inherit security from its parent object. Functionally this won’t impact anything from an...
by Rahul Singla | Dec 21, 2017 | Coding, ExtJs, Tech, Theming |
As part of our recently launched Catalog theme for ExtJs, we wanted to incorporate custom font icons into our theme for consumption by our users. As you would know, ExtJs 6 ships with Font Awesome out of the box, which has a really nice collection of off-the-shelf...
by Rahul Singla | Mar 12, 2017 | .Net, Coding, Entity Framework, LINQ, Tech |
A few days ago, I was working on some Entity Framework stuff where I encountered the following logic for applying sort expressions to the EF query: var query = this.context.users.AsQueryable(); if (sort == "username") { if (sortDir == "ASC") { query = query.OrderBy(u...
by Anjali Grover | Nov 11, 2016 | Tech |
From SIRI to driverless cars, Artificial Intelligence is the booming technology that enables machines to perform some cognitive tasks with same or even better efficiency than human beings. Be it as simple as greeting a guest to performing dangerous and laborious tasks...