Reference Links Module

Reference Links Module

Reference Links Module Reference Links Module Reference Links module allows custom Urls to be attached to nodes. Business Needs Imbibe originally created reference links module for IIT Bombay for the website: Our Solution Created module that...
Reference Links Module


DrupalItUtils DrupalItUtils Automates the process of sending content back and forth from and to production servers for Drupal sites in a way that required minimal manual intervention, especially minimizing or eliminating the process of requesting access to the...
Reference Links Module

Take Control Module

Take Control Module DRUPAL Take Control is a set of modules for Drupal for managing various administrative tasks particularly related to the file system. It allows you to take control of the file-system folder by specifying custom permissions on it from Drupal....
Reference Links Module

Document Module

Document Module Document Module Document module is a complete Document Management System for the Drupal CMS. Business Needs Imbibe originally created Document module for a client based in Free State, South Africa. Our Solution Provided complete integration with Drupal...
Reference Links Module


TeamCityPsFtpRunner TeamCityPsFtpRunner A PowerShell based build runner for TeamCity builds that uploads all or selective files/folders affected in each build to one or more remote servers over FTP for deployment. Business Needs The aim was to automate the deployment...