The increasing trend of e-commerce has motivated businesses of all size and nature come online and sell their products and services. With e-commerce, the B2B business model is also getting bigger as more merchants are moving to the online space to transact with another business.

B2B e-commerce store

Most B2B sellers look for convenient and automated business to business tools to optimize productivity, improve branding while decreasing their overall costs. So, to have an edge over your competition in the b2b e-commerce space, it’s essential that your online B2B store/e-commerce website isn’t just good, but amazing! To do the same, here are some of the things you could consider:


Mobile friendly

As more and more people are using their mobile phones instead of PCs to surf the internet, your website better must be mobile-ready and friendly so that you could not only offer great experience to the visitors, but also show up in the search engine results. It is also important to consider how your existing as well as potential customers want to place their orders and strategize accordingly.



Secure the website with SSL

An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is also called a digital certificate. It helps to create a secure link between a website and a visitor’s browser. On an SSL protected website, the URL says “https://” instead of “http://”, meaning it’s secured by SSL.

Online users are very well aware of SSL and only trust the websites secured by it. Moreover, it is also important for SEO purposes as search engines analyze whether users are protected while accessing your website or not.


Optimize image loading speeds for better SEO

Online customers are always on the move and any delay or unnecessary hurdle in their shopping experience could cost you a sale as well as your reputation. One of the simplest ways to optimize image loading speeds is by reducing the image file size while maintaining its quality.

You may use any graphics editor software or an online tool for the same. You may also approach a graphics editor professional for more complex editing.


Rewrite your website content to make it more engaging

The content on your website home page, the product descriptions and the blog page (if you have one) need to be easy-to-read, relevant as well as engaging. Your website should also portray your brand identity so that your customers could easily find and associate you with it.

You should also consider promoting your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) right on your homepage to engage your website visitors.


Scale your shipping capabilities

As a B2B e-commerce seller, you simply cannot afford faulty shipping as it leads to revenue loss and client turnover. Unexpected delivery charges, complex checkout process, high shipping costs, laggy website/mobile app, etc. are among the top reasons why B2B consumers abandon their cart.


Allow bulk order options and discounts

Business to business buyers usually place bulk orders and expect good discounts online. ‘Minimum order quantity’ and ‘bulk order discounts’ are two things that you should include in your B2B solution/website. Moreover, doing so will help you to get rid of the unwanted inventory more quickly.


To make a statement in the e-commerce space for manufacturers, you need a compelling and functional e-commerce portal/website for manufacturers and retailers to help you stay ahead of your competition. Mart by Imbibe Tech is the ideal b2b e-commerce platform for your business as it lets you showcase and/or sell your products effortlessly to your vendors, dealers, wholesalers, etc. Contact Imbibe Tech to know more.

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